Elections Results = Good for MiraCostans
Left to right: George McNeil, Brent Pickett, Paul Clarke, Mark Laurel, Jeanine Sepulveda, Steve Eso, Christina Sharp, Mark Whitney, dara,...

Meet Your Tenure-Track FA Council Members
The MiraCosta College FA is comprised of a diverse group of faculty from all full-time faculty areas: classroom, non-classroom, Career...

Statewide Developments: Directions for CCCs
Although there are a number of recent, positive signs regarding the future of California’s Community Colleges, there are also a number of...

Get To Know Your New Faculty Colleagues!
For those of you who might not have had a chance to meet all of our new full-time faculty hires in 2018, the Faculty Assembly posed a...

Support for Incumbent Board Members
“You know how you don’t work at all during summer and have tons of free time during weekends? We of course know neither of those things...

Department Chair Duties: What to Do When Feeling Overwhelmed
Many of the questions the FA receives from faculty involve Department Chair duties. Specifically, many chairs report being frustrated or...

Five Things Every Faculty Member Should Know
(aka Five Tips to Maximize Your Faculty Benefits) (aka Five Easy Ways to Put Money in Your Pocket) Whether you’re new to MiraCosta, or...

Dear Scotty, "My CalSTRS report is confusing me!" (updated 2018!)
(The following was originally published in October 2016. October 2018 updates are available at the bottom of this page.) Dear Scotty, I...

Negotiations Update
As we approach the end of the semester, we are in the final phase of our contract negotiations with the district. The process began last...

Rules of the Road: Update to AP 3430
Did you know that information about the role of the Ombudsperson is part of the larger FA Website? Please visit our newly updated Office...