Faculty Profile: Meet dara, Your New FA Vice President
We would like to introduce your new Faculty Assembly Vice President, dara. Enjoy getting to know her better with the interview below!...

California Community College Independents (CCCI) Conference
In May, members of your FA Exec and Council will travel to Sacramento to attend the CCCI Conference. Each fall and spring, the CCCI...

Dear Scotty, What About a Side Business?
Dear Scotty, I recently got into a great at-home business and really want to share my product with everyone. I’m sure once they try it,...

FA News
Benefits Reminder: November 13 Deadline Please note that we are nearing the end of the open enrollment benefit period, so if you have not...

Alphabet Soup: Making Sense of the FA, CCCI, and FACCC
For faculty looking to know more about the organizations fighting to maintain or improve upon your working conditions, there are three...

Dear Scotty, Please Explain the New Travel Per Diem Rules!
Dear Scotty, I had put in paperwork to go to a conference in November, and it seems that the travel requests have gone through a number...

Dear Scotty, Please Explain These Pay Stub Differences!
Learn about the differences between the old and new pay stubs to understand how your earning, taxes, and deductions are now reported.

Faculty Profiles: Our Retiring Colleagues
Celebrating 127 Years of Service As of this publication date, we know of five full-time colleagues who have announced their retirements,...

Faculty Investigations: A Statewide Concern
Around the state, community college faculty unions are experiencing an unprecedented rise in investigations of their members, resulting...

FA Vote Delayed
As you may recall, the FA sent proposed revisions to our Constitution to all full-time faculty for your consideration a few weeks ago....