Strong Workforce Initiative Update
In August of 2016 a Community College League of California task force, led by MiraCosta’s own Dr. Sunny Cooke, met at the CTE Leadership...

Dear Scotty, Help Me Understand Overload Sick Leave Calculation!
Dear Scotty, As a counselor committed to student success, I sometimes work overload hours. One term, I taught a counseling course and had...

One Way of Confronting Our New Political Reality: FACCC
(*Full disclosure: I have recently accepted a volunteer position as a Governor-At-Large on the FACCC governing board.) While MCC’s full...

MiraCosta Bond: Where Do We Go From Here?
With the recent passage of Proposition MM, MiraCosta College has an opportunity to develop a unique learning environment that will shape...

Faculty Profile: Kent McCorkle
Get to Know Your Fellow Faculty Members...One By One Kent, tell us a little about yourself. I grew up in the thriving metropolis of...

Threats to STRS: How the FA Is Fighting for Your Pension
Threat to Your State Pension This is a very real concern for full time faculty at MiraCosta and teachers across the state. Attorney Bob...

Canvas Conversion Compensation? FA Seeking Equity for Significant Additional Work
This year at the CCCI conference (California Community College Independents), attending FA members learned that many unions are...

Meet Your Friend, Weingarten. Know Your Faculty Rights.
One of the roles of the Faculty Assembly, and in particular the Office of the Ombuds, is to ensure its members are educated on their...

Important Information for Families
Open enrollment has begun, and the FA has some advice for those considering creating or expanding your family. As part of the FA’s...

Volunteering for the MiraCosta Bond
Passage of MiraCosta’s proposed bond measure will require 55% of voters in the MCC community college district to say “Yes” to MM. After...