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A Word from Luke Lara, FA's Incoming Ombudsperson

We asked our 2022-2024 term incoming FA Executive Board members to share a little about themselves so that the full-time faculty could get to know them better. Read more below to see how Luke Lara fits the bill for your FA Ombudsperson.


luke lara

It is my honor to join the FA Executive Board in the role of Ombudsperson. I am a trained counselor by profession and have a doctorate in educational leadership. I have had over ten years of progressive faculty leadership development with the many roles I have held at MiraCosta, in addition to varied professional experiences in higher education over the last 22 years.

My capacity to serve as the elected Academic Senate President, the exclusive representative of faculty in academic and professional matters, and my ability to work with the FA on issues that overlapped with working conditions demonstrates that I have the temperament and skillset to contribute to the leadership of the FA. I am familiar with board policy, administrative procedures, and the FA contract. I am also experienced in maintaining collegial relationships and honoring confidentiality. As the Academic Senate President, I often considered varied interests of diverse students, faculty, staff, administrators, and board of trustees when making decisions and working with others.

I am committed to quality education and student success at MiraCosta by supporting full-time faculty in matters relating to working conditions and employer-employee relations. I am a strong believer in equity. Equity applies to faculty too. Equity is relational and that is why the role of the ombudsperson is critical. The role of the FA is to fight for equity, as we all are in this together.

I was hired in 2009 in a tenure track counseling position. Since then, I have held several leadership roles on campus and statewide as listed below:

  • President / President-Elect Academic Senate (2019-present)

  • Vice President Academic Senate (2018-2019)

  • CCC Latinx Caucus (Co-chair 2020 - 2021; Secretary 2019-2020, 2021-present)

  • Guided Pathways Counseling Faculty Lead (2018 - present)

  • Academic Senator (2014-2016)

  • Department Chair, Counseling (2014-2016, summer/fall of 2013)

  • Counseling SLO Lead (2011-2016)

  • Puente Project Co-Coordinator/Counselor (2011-2015)

I also served on several institutional committees including:

  • Budget and Planning Committee (2018-present)

  • College Council (2018-present)

  • Student Services Council (2014-2016)

  • Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Committee (2012-2014)

  • Basic Skills Initiative Committee (2010-2012)

In my role, I hope to be accessible to all full-time faculty, while providing a welcoming and caring approach. I am looking forward to learning from and listening to faculty concerns and issues. I only have one perspective and it is through the collective that we will find our voice, prioritize our needs, and find resolutions.

Lastly, I have the experience and skillset to deal with conflict, strong emotions, and most importantly, apply active listening skills. I am accustomed to keeping information confidential and being supportive of others dealing with anxiety and stress. I have a calm demeanor and use a humanistic approach when working with others. I am committed to receiving mediation and conflict resolution training early in my role and engage in further professional learning throughout. Whether working with students or colleagues, I have been able to bring people with varied differences in opinion and experience to a place of agreement and understanding using my counseling skills.

In my off time, I enjoy spending time with my family, playing tennis, and making music. I play a variety of instruments and compose music when I can get a chance. I also escape into writing, especially poetry. My two children are in middle school and they bring me much joy, among other emotions.

luke and family

I look forward to the next two years!

Luke Lara, Ed.D

luke's bitmoji



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