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Get to Know an FA Council member

by Dara, FA Vice President

Let’s get to know Michelle Odom: Nursing Faculty and Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Program Director

Tell us a little about yourself.

I proudly serve as a nursing instructor at MiraCosta College, driven by unwavering passion and purpose. As a registered nurse, I am deeply devoted to both patient care and nurturing the next generation of healthcare leaders. My journey, marked by immigration, language hurdles, and the embrace of my second home in The States, has illuminated the vital significance of emotional intelligence and structural support for success in a career and in life. This insight has broadened my view of education and guidance, transcending mere skills and knowledge acquisition. At MiraCosta, I find a warm welcome and encouragement that fuels my commitment to shaping a brighter future.

Why did you choose to serve on FA Council?

Embracing the ethos of equity at MiraCosta College, I explored ways to amplify student success. Amid the myriad options, the thriving work environment for our dedicated staff and instructors caught my attention. As they directly facilitate education for our students, I felt compelled to contribute. In pursuit of a holistic vision of student achievement, I saw an opportunity to bolster the essential foundation that the FA Council provides.

Just for fun…If you could teleport anywhere, where would you go, and what is the first thing you would do?

As today marks the first clinical day for my Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) students, embarking on their initial journey into direct patient care, it's natural for nerves to flutter. Engaging with individuals facing diverse health conditions can be an overwhelming experience. If any student or instructor seeks a reassuring embrace, I'd teleport right there to offer my unwavering support and uplifting words. While I pen this message, I'm already sending a wave of positivity to envelop them.



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