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Getting to Know FA Council Members…

Spotlight on Michelle Farnam, Counselor, SAS

What attracted you to join Faculty Assembly Council?

I have worked as a Student Accessibility Services Counselor at MCC for 15 years. During this time, I have attended All-Faculty meetings regarding changes in our policies, read FA newsletters, held signs on a corner supporting incoming Board of Trustee members and attended “Get to Know the Contract” events. Recently, it dawned on me that even though I participated in these activities, I didn’t totally understand The Contract or the hard work and hours the FA Council puts in to support me and other full-time faculty members on campus. I felt it was time to get out of my office and involve myself in this important work.

Michelle and her dog, Francie
Michelle and her dog, Francie

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

As I mentioned above, I have worked at MCC for 15 years in the SAS office; I am married with two daughters, one starting high school and one in eighth grade, which means I am moonlighting as an Uber driver on nights and weekends for free. I love all animals but especially my two cats, Harley and Marley; our guinea pigs, Calico and Minnie; and our new rescue bulldog, Mama (notice I only mention my animals’ names! 😊). I also love watching documentaries and reading books.

What are you most looking forward to this coming year at MCC?

I can already tell this year will be full of change. A change from several Covid protocols to no Covid protocols, a change from online students to on-campus students, and a change from seeing colleagues on the computer screen to meeting in person again. I believe change brings new opportunities to reimagine and reinvent policies and procedures and I am looking forward to the new and improved opportunities MCC can provide to faculty, staff, and students this year.

Unrelated to work...what does a perfect day look like to you?

My perfect day is simple. Staying at home with my family and pets, watching movies, playing games, reading books, having “home spa” facial and nails, shopping online, and eating good food.



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