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Spotlight on Sinar Lomeli

By dara

We're getting to know Sinar Lomeli, M.S. General Counseling Faculty. Last semester, FA Exec recognized Sinar with our first ever “Above and Beyond Award” for her fantastic work recruiting full-time faculty members to support the FA. She’s a superstar!

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I have been at MCC going on 7 years and currently serve in General Counseling and serve the PUENTE Project as the Counseling Coordinator and Counseling Instructor. A bit about myself is that I served as an adjunct for 12 years at various community college campuses in Los Angeles and the Inland Empire. While working as an adjunct at community college, there was a time I worked concurrently in the K-12 system as a high school counselor.

Why did you initially want to serve on FA Council?

I have experienced union protections both in K-12 and in higher education and I wanted to get involved because one thing I noticed was that the first ones to complain about negotiations, contracts, and working conditions were the very people who were not paying dues. It just did not make sense to me! I wanted to make sure I worked with faculty colleagues that understood our contract here at MCC and helped advance protections for all MCC Faculty.

You've been on FAC a couple of years now; why did you want to continue?

I want to continue leaning from senior faculty leaders so that one day I can also mentor and guide the next generation of MCC faculty.

Just for fun, what's something about you that people would be surprised to learn?

People might be surprised to find out that I am a sports fanatic...I love sports as much as I love shoes.



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